Donovan and Tim Howard throw Game Winning Goal (vs. Algeria) and Crowd Reaction

Sport profitable objective for Donovan and Crowd Reaction. US vs. Algeria

25 thoughts on “Donovan and Tim Howard throw Game Winning Goal (vs. Algeria) and Crowd Reaction”

  1. jpond89 says:

    @tonexw23pontousyeah dude i know, the craziest thing is after all we went through in the world cup…and no more money is being poured into mls…pretty sad. i understand a couple of teams have ok old retirees but cmon, every state needs an mls team

  2. 1m9 says:

    ahahahaha loved this dudes camera angles when donnie boy scores …that is pure happiness

  3. chaconcd says:

    people went nuts!!

  4. MasKedButTrue says:

    VU VU Z E L A

  5. Kushsmoka420 says:

    This is so f*cking epic..Just another classic USA counter attack!! Don’t ever doubt the heart of the USA

  6. lynchman5555 says:

    @cupolove1 Could be the best comment i’ve ever seen

  7. tonexw23pontousyeah says:

    @Aggromerchant i love you:P

  8. Aggromerchant says:


    Please let us know when you feel that association football is sufficiently appreciated in our country. Be assured that I’ll be holding my breath.

  9. LSBonnPower says:

    @cupolove1 haha yeah you are right. The world bugs americans about being fat, canadians are considered to live in igloos, Germans are characterized as nazis (I’m German myself) and all that stuff. You are right though. As long as its a joke and as long as no one feels offended, its ok 🙂

  10. cupolove1 says:

    @LSBonnPower LOL i thought it was funny. and im well aware that algeria is a developed country (in case anyone is offended) and i know most developed nations have higher internet speed than the USA, but it doesnt make it less funny!! i mean i find the fat american jokes funny… even though many americans are thin (not me though) lol

  11. LSBonnPower says:

    @cupolove1 lol that sounds a bit ingorant but I love it haha 🙂

  12. seatgurus says:

    @cupolove1 EPIC!!!!! LOL

  13. USASoccerPlayer97 says:

    That goal took 80 years for the U.S to get out of the Group matches… that was amazing.

  14. cupolove1 says:

    @CashSmeller maybe a bit harsh! lol

  15. Budlinee says:

    @cupolove1 hahahahahaah I love this

  16. soxnation3419 says:

    its not that we dont appreciate football, we understand it the most popular game in the world and all that. We just think its boring

  17. TES2310 says:

    what a spectacular throw-out by tim howard…he threw it like, 40 yards and hit donovan in stride

  18. PosterStudios says:

    @tonexw23pontousyeah you’re probably right. I do not under appreciate it, though! (:

  19. tonexw23pontousyeah says:

    USA team has done many steps forwrad.but i think football is still underappreciated in U.S.

  20. primetime99 says:


  21. CashSmeller says:

    @cupolove1 , wow…i’m american, and i say that was HARSH

  22. djftw76 says:

    Goose bumps. ‘Nuff said.

  23. pietrape1 says:

    only one thing to say go go usa

  24. JuiceNoCoffee says:


  25. mratvrider96 says:

    camera guy: come on come on…..ohhhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhh!!!!

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