Landon Donovan And Home Grown Team
Landon Donovan might be out of the active games, but he is still leading new teams and introducing fresh spirit in US soccer in different ways.

For instance, an MLS home grown team has been picked by him and it is said that he would be leading this team against his old adversaries.
This is the third year that he has been part of the coaching team that has been working on MLS as well as the national team of US. The home grown team competed in the 2016 Chipotle MLS home grown game which will be featured on July 27th in San Jose. This will be a day before the all star MLS game is played against the heavyweights like Arsenal FC of the English Premier League. The opponents of the team this year would be the under 20 team from Mexico. They had been winners of the U20 Championship that was held in 2015.
The selections for the upcoming game include players from Seattle Sounders like Jordan Morris and others like Tommy Thompson, who is a skillful international player from the Bay Area. (more…)
Landon Donovan on Tumblr oh my god I am going to confess my love for him several times a day.
Landon Donovan on Tumblr oh my god I am going to confess my enjoy for him numerous instances a day. – by garfieldian (Lucy )
RT @garfieldian:Landon Donovan on Tumblr oh my god I am going to confess my love for him several times a day.
RT @garfieldian:Landon Donovan on Tumblr oh my god I am going to confess my love for him several instances a day. – by TwitConfessor (Twit Confessor)
@ritamruiz Landon Donovan is getting a tumblr & everyone is freaking out. Of course idc. I’m so random I know! :P
@ritamruiz Landon Donovan is obtaining a tumblr & everyone is freaking out. Of program idc. I&aposm so random I know! 😛 – by MissDeisi (Deisi)
Landon Donovan is going on tumblr. WHAT THE FUCK.
Landon Donovan is going on tumblr. WHAT THE FUCK. – by GolDelShaki (Shaki.)
oh heavens–Landon Donovan on Tumblr? Poor man will have no rest if he manages it himself. I hope he doesn’t activate his ask box.
oh heavens–Landon Donovan on Tumblr? Bad guy will have no rest if he manages it himself. I hope he doesn&apost activate his inquire box. – by harpsHalaMadrid (Harp Weaver)
OMG IF LANDON DONOVAN Gets A TUMBLR HE&aposS GONNA Uncover ALL THE Nuts FANGIRLS. – by ttteena (Teena)