The Landon Donovan Project

Detest him or enjoy him. But you know his title. Tune: Coldplay – Misplaced!
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Landon Donovan Fans Blog
Detest him or enjoy him. But you know his title. Tune: Coldplay – Misplaced!
Video clip Rating: 4 / 5
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Hey buddy, heard you wanted to congratulate on the video that’s great, and I wanted to say something that I want to download the video but it says the url is wrong please if you can arrange to download it and have it on my computer, thank you very much, UNTIL THEN.
@sideoutdan HAHAHA 2-1 BItch
donovan is beckham of the united states…gotta admit
Donovan is a great player, but if football was more popular in his country would be more than it is today, it’s a shame not valued in your country
sorry for my inglish
Hey Landon is nominated for 3 ESPYs this year. Vote for him by visiting the website of ESPN, or you can vote again following a link on Landon’s facebook page. Hurry the voting process will end soon!
i know most ppl dont like Landan Donovan but he’s the best ever american soccer player in history…. he got more goals than any other player & a countlesss assist. His commitement to the U.S team as well as his club is great, no wonder why many european soccer clubs want to have him in their team… so Dona’s haters shd show him the respect he’s due’d…. God Bless America!!
@sideoutdan you sucked balls
@HerculesRockefellerr jajajajajaja you lose
I remember seeing Donovan play 5 years ago, he wasn’t great, and I’ve seen him grow and improve, now he’s U.S.’s star, and he is still not the best in the world, but a player that dedicates that much and plays with the heart like he does deserves respect from everybody in the world, Donovan you are great =)
@DvsBen88 Exactly. We express it and we accept it.
Go USA 3 more days and we kick off vs the English…time to shock the world yet again. As an American USMNT fan I dont want the world to give us respect bc its much more fun to just go out on the pitch and take it from them…Leave them their with a bewildered goofy look on their ugly mugs.. USA Future Football Powerhouse…sometimes the futures just a couple days away
@DvsBen88 i too root for mexico when the US isn’t in the World Cup because we are neighbors and we both represtent the concacaf. i just wish they were more “diplmatic” fans that could respect each other’s team
@DvsBen88 well dude i was talking only for that kind of people , well soccer is better but is called futboooooooooooooooooooooool
@darklink321 anyone that generalizes ppl isnt very educated or at least doesn’t show it. But for you to say the world wants americans dead is kinda indicative of your train of thought, you could’ve just had beef with YY. I love this country but it doesn’t mean i don’t disagree with alot of the ppl in it. But that’s the great thing about us is we’re so diverse and can express it. Anyways back to soccer come June 11th El Tri vs South Africa and June12th US takes down the English again DTOM
@DvsBen88 well dude i like japanese games more that american thats why i have a ps2 and ps3 and i dont like xbox and also the people that saids alot of shit of us are quite more moorons than me dude and i dont hate america i only hate those americans that always tell shit to mexican people
@MAKAVELIOUNOUS great post…lol. I hate mexico during the qualifying stage but when it comes to the cup i always rooted for mexico if the us wasnt in it since we’re nrighbors..but since mexico booed the us natl anthem at azteca this year i think im pulling for uruguay and south africa in your group…i cant stand the french either…lol. Shouldve been ireland in there. anyways nice to see a mexican fan that can hate landon but still acknowledge that el pinche guey has some
@YingYangTK fuck you
@darklink321 Let the world try…
Dempsey is good, but he is a scrapper who feeds off of creative world class players like Donovan, and yes Deuce plays in a better league, but Donovan proved over the winter that he is more than good enough to be an successful player in the Prem. Who gives a shit if he didnt do well in Germany, it didnt fit his style. Even Henry had trouble adjusting to the LFP. And who cares if he only scored 2 goals in his time with Everton. He’ll be back to answer the critics once again
he´s very bad, and he got dissed by herman gerland @ his time in Munich. Gerland said Landon won´t play in the 2nd team in 3red german legaue, , yes he´s worldclass ad would kill mexico for sure :D;D
Hey darklink321 go fuck yourself and I am not American u stupid pussy ass motherfucker
@YingYangTK stupid american that why the world wants to kill you
I am mexican and come august 12th…well we’ll see, but what I really wanted to say is that I HAAAAATTTEEEEE donovan yet i gotta admit he got skills. lol
awesome player. More fast than everyone.
Equal skill with both feet, and that pace…. amazing!